“Do Life Together”

MISSION AND MINISTRY | According to a recent Gallup poll, religious in-person attendance is rebounding. Campus Minister Joshua Mayfield is witnessing that firsthand on campus Wednesday evenings at The Well, a Christian praise and worship gathering.

“Students are really excited to actually see people and worship together,” said Mayfield. “It is a very special connection to praise God in community. You see people moving, kneeling, bowing and truly experiencing God.”

LMU senior Caroline Ow has attended The Well every Wednesday for the past four years, including last year, when COVID forced the program to move online. In fact, she loves the community so much, Ow, although an introvert in high school has become one of the student leaders and often leads reflections. “It is awesome to share; it’s more emotional and I am more vulnerable but I am trying to invite people deeper into my life story,” said Ow.

Since The Well started, it has been a welcoming space to students of all backgrounds who long for a community centered around their faith. Mayfield said that this year, more than ever, students are longing to be a real part of a community. “Life is too hard to do alone, I really encourage them to do life together. The Well is a place that student can feel loved, cared for and spiritually nourished,” said Mayfield.

Ow credits Mayfield for the increase in students who attend The Well. She said that is because of the uplifting experience and the campus minister who runs it. “I can’t image my life before meeting Josh. He radiates love like Jesus. He is a great mentor, advice giver and friend,” said Ow.
