Giving Back to our Neighbors in Need

WPV 240x300 - Giving Back to our Neighbors in Need

There are many local organizations that need assistance serving their communities. Here is a list of some organizations that need help and how you can get involved:

LMU Food Pantry – The LMU Food Pantry is accepting donations of non-perishable foods. Contact Patrick Furlong, associate director of the Center for Service and Action, at

Westside Pacific Villages – WPV serves senior citizens who cannot or who have trouble leaving their homes. They need volunteers to help do yardwork/gardening, pet care/dog walking, translating (Spanish/English and Japanese/English), transportation services, and delivering food. They are also looking for DVD players to donate to their clients.

YMCA of Westchester – YMCA of Westchester has shifted it services and is now serving the unsheltered community by providing meals, showers, and other resources. They are looking for donations/sponsorships for meals (donate money or provide a packaged meal for about 30-40 people), any extra fruit from trees in your yard, and cards of encouragement for their clients.

Culver Palms Meals on Wheels – Culver Palms Meals on Wheels serves senior citizens who cannot or who have trouble leaving their homes. They need volunteers to pack lunches and make deliveries.

L.A. Foodbank – is looking for donations for their food pantry and for volunteers.

If you are eligible, you can donate blood and platelets, and plasma at the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center.

If you’d like to get involved in one of these organizations and/or have any questions, please contact Fred Puza, associate director of Community Relations, at or 310-338-2759.
