Help Create Opportunities to Employ Students

STUDENT AFFAIRS | Student Employment Services is urgently requesting help from all departments across the university to create new remote work opportunities for students, specifically with work-study awards, a form of aid LMU offers to students. Employing students with work-study awards provides students opportunities to support an area’s operations through remote work.

The request is to reimagine duties, responsibilities, and tasks so they translate to the virtual environment. Consider new initiatives or research opportunities that students can accomplish remotely. Think about creating assignments or projects students can work on independently or with other student or staff team members.

Be imaginative and strategic. Be bold and creative. Be a student supervisor.

Students are currently looking for work opportunities and they want to help and want to be of support and service. SES knows many departments are eliminating student staff positions because of the remote environment, but the department asks supervisors to reconsider. Students desperately depend on the work opportunities LMU provides and without those opportunities, students will inevitably have diminished experience and benefits, both financially and professionally. Please consider helping more students, in particular those with work-study.

In this time of quarantine workplace reimagination, we are all learning to adjust and retool in order to maintain a continuity of operation. While our doors may be closed, we are still working at full capacity to deliver a top-notch university experience. This means continuing to employ LMU students so that we can all reap the benefits of their labor and engagement.

Student Employment can serve as an important component of student learning, growing, and preparing for future success. Students learn critical professional skills, practice workplace acumen and connect with university units in a deep and profound way. There is also the financial benefit students receive by the earned income of a fair wage. These additional dollars can make an impact on a student’s ability to afford the cost of an LMU education. Furthermore, students contribute to the overall workforce of our campus resources, services, support, and knowledge production. The cumulative effect of employing our students is a vibrant, productive, and mutually beneficial campus community.

Job opportunities should be posted on LionJobs for students to view and apply to open positions. Student Employment Services is available to assist with job creation, descriptions, posting or hiring. Please contact us at or visit the Student Employment Services website.
