Continuity of Community: Community Check-in Survey | Deadline Oct. 23

The Community Check-in Survey provides a snapshot of how LMU is doing during COVID-19 in these areas: sense of community; level of disruption due to COVID-19; remote learning experience; perception of LMU/LLS. Participants were also asked about what has been most challenging and helpful strategies during COVID-19. Participants provided suggestions on what would continue to keep them connected to the campus. This brief highlights data from 1,443 LMU faculty, staff and students.

We acknowledge that the picture painted by the first survey is very limited: It took place before staff furloughs, before the video of George Floyd’s killing went viral, and before the protests began. The second survey is scheduled for October to assess our new virtual campus as well as community morale related to COVID-19 and racial justice. Access the April survey briefing here.

We welcome all staff, students, and faculty to fill out the Community Check-in Survey by Friday, October 23.

Contact for questions and concerns.
