13th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Dear LMU Community,

I’m pleased to invite you all to the Thirteenth Annual LMU Undergraduate Research Symposium this weekend, on Friday, March 19 and Saturday, March 20.  This year’s Symposium will be a virtual celebration of student research and the fantastic faculty-student partnerships that have come to define an LMU education. Friday will be a “Preview Day” where all presentations are available to view on demand. Saturday will be the synchronous Symposium with live student presentations moderated by faculty and staff, the Office of Research & Creative Arts’ Instagram Direct Message for one-on-one conversation, and plenty of opportunities for conversation and discussion.

In order to access the Symposium, you will all be receiving an invitation email on Friday from lmusymposiumsupport@hubb.me. Please click the link provided in the email and sign in using your LMU credentials to access the event. Please check your Spam folder if your invitation does not appear in your Inbox.

This year, we are pleased to feature student work from all five undergraduate colleges and schools. The diverse presentations will be intellectually stimulating for all. Among these sessions, students wrestle with complex issues, including modeling climate stressors along the California coast, COVID-19 and the distance learning experience, and the connection between migration and trauma. They explore issues of domestic and foreign policy, theories on best practices and higher education, fostering empathy through dance, and the need for social media diversity. Finally, student discussion range from the movement towards police reform, voter awareness and voting during a pandemic, ethnographic research on the concept of motherhood, intersectionality in the world of design, and the role of visual arts in science.

The Undergraduate Research Symposium provides an excellent opportunity for students, faculty, staff, parents, and members of the LMU community to actively engage with students who have been immersed in thought-provoking questions and global issues. In the past two years that it has been virtual, the Symposium has showcased the flexibility, resilience and adaptability of students and faculty in the face of changing circumstances and requirements, as well as rapidly evolving digital tools. The research and creative work of students and faculty has continued, adapted and shown through the challenges of this unprecedented time. Their commitment not only to their scholarship but also to their communities (LMU, local, national and beyond) is commendable. In an increasingly complex world, it is important for students to take learning to a deeper and more integrated level. The work showcased is evidence of this learning process. 

For more information or the program of the event, please visit our website at www.lmu.edu/symposium. Again, thank you for your tremendous support! I look forward to seeing some of you at the Symposium this weekend.


Elizabeth Wimberly-Young, M.F.A.
Associate Director, Office of Research & Creative Arts

